Ο διακεκριμένος chef pâtissier Δημήτρης Χρονόπουλος σε μια μοναδική διάλεξη στη Σχολή LE MONDE εξηγεί γιατί η τέχνη της ζαχαροπλαστικής απαιτεί εκτός από συνέπεια, ακρίβεια, προγραμματισμό και πραγματική αφοσίωση, μεράκι και έμπνευση.
Η ζαχαροπλαστική καλλιεργεί τις αισθήσεις, αναβαθμίζει την καθημερινότητα και πρωταγωνιστεί σε όλες τις ευτυχισμένες στιγμές.
Αν ένα επάγγελμα διαμορφώνει την προσωπικότητα του επαγγελματία, η ζαχαροπλαστική σίγουρα την ομορφαίνει!

Η διάλεξη απευθύνεται αποκλειστικά σε σπουδαστές & αποφοίτους LE MONDE. Eίσοδος ελεύθερη, απαραίτητη η κράτηση θέσης τηλεφωνικά στο 210 8211700 ή συμπληρώνοντας τη φόρμα παρακάτω. 


Dimitris Chronopoulos
Read his mini bio

Dimitris Chronopoulos has been working as a pastry chef for almost 30 years, since he knew at an early age what he wanted to do for a living. Although confectionery didn’t play a significant role in Dimitris’ family, it was his father who urged him to get involved with pastry.Having a highly creative and inquiring mind, he managed to depict his artistic flair into sweet “sins” which can tempt everyone. Being trained in Michelin-starred restaurants in France, working with Michelin-starred restaurants in Greece, namely Varoulko, Spondy and Vardis, doesn’t come as a surprise.  ​Since 2007 he has collaborated as a technical consultant with one of the biggest chocolate companies in the world, Valrhona, in Greece. Since 2010 he has been Valrhona’s technical advisor in Middle East and Europe.Furthermore, his activities in the wider pastry sector as a consultant advising on the organization and operation of pastry labs and the creation of tailor-made recipes have led him to work with some of the highest-end restaurants and pastry shops in Greece and abroad. However, his greatest passion lies in teaching, to that end he has conducted numerous seminars and workshops worldwide trying to impart his enthusiasm for the art of confectionery to other people.

seminar date:
6/09/2019 - 17:00 - 18:00
Cost: Δωρεάν

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